K-26 실전잠수풀
+ Fees > List of Fees
List of Seasonal Fees for Diving Pool
Fees are subject to change according to situation.
Monday ~ Friday 09:00 ~22:00 / Saturday, holidays 08:00 ~21:00 / closed on Sunday
Type Fee Remark
Admission ticket (weekday) 33,000 won 3 hours until return of the key
Admission ticket (holiday) 55,000 won 3 hours until return of the key
*All-day ticket (weekday) 53,000 won (weekday admission ticket + 20,000 won) All day long on weekdays, until 19:00
Suit, Weight, Fin, Mask, BCD, Regulator and one air tank are provided for free
Diving experience 120,000 won (100,000 won for 2 persons or more),
only available on weekdays
Including equipment and air tank
After briefly learning diving skills, you can experience scuba diving while being escorted by an expert. If you register for the open water course after the diving experience, we offer a 120,000 won discount for the tuition fee (100,000 won)
Rental Item Fee Remark
Air tank Free 10,000 won per tank after the first tank
Diving equipment Free Suit, Weight, Fin, Mask, BCD, Regulator
Instructor Fee Remark
Membership fee 80,000 won / 3 months (90 days) -
Admission fee Free (Need to accompany at least one trainee)
Instructors are required to join instructor membership on the website and get approved